27 Dec 2014

A Very Merry Christmas | HelenaAsia


 I know it's late but better late than never right? I hope that everyone had a really, well, merry christmas :) I hope to do another post on what I actually got for christmas but I actually need to find some time to take some pictures of everything. 

I know I haven't been blogging much but I don't know what's up with me - urgh enough of me and my blogging situation but I will continue trying don't worry! 

Soooo what did I do for christmas? 

Honestly I think I got up at 10? Then I stayed in bed for another 2 hours to watch Searching For Santa Paws and it was really cute :) I did open my presents after this and was obviously really happy with everything and gave my mum a massive hug! We had Christmas Dinner after, yummmmmy as always!!! I had a chill evening with my present (telling you in my other post what it was) and that was it... (also forgot to mention I skyped one of my best friends, Kinza!)

Hope everyone one of you had a lovely christmas x 

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7 Dec 2014

GIF Quest! HelenaAsia

Hey fellow readers! I'm feeling so bad right now, the cold has finally won it's battle in making me ill :(
I'd thought I'd do this tag that Dali tagged me in a while back because it was funny and it made me laugh! 

  • Include Lily's tag image above ^
  • Tag two or more people when you're finished
  • Try not to use gifs that other people have already used. If you do, it's still okay!
  • Come up with your OWN, UNIQUE 10 scenarios

1. When your teacher shouts at the whole class

2.  When you find out there's no food in the house

3. When somebody asks for some of your food

4. When you walk outside and it starts raining 

5. When you find something you lost 

6. When you can't open the lock of a public toilet 

7. When your music is too loud 

8. When you see a spider

9. When you wake up late 

10. When you try to flirt


1. When you drop your food
2. When someone tells you a book/movie spoiler
3. When it's that time of the month
4. When you see snow for the first time in ages
5. When bae doesn't reply 
6. When you realise you have homework due the next day
7. When you get concert tickets 
8. When you don't know what someone's said after numerous times
9. When you missed calls from your mum 
10. When you get a present you don't like 

There you go :) hope you all enjoyed this tag and I tag everyone and anyone to do it! 

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