16 Jan 2015

Oh Yes, New Year Resolutions

New year, new me... phahaha  I know what you're all thinking, that's totally gonna happen isn't it? You see what I realised is, if you think like that then there's not much chance it is. I want to actually try to get my 2015 sorted out and well...better. 

Now before I go on and on about 2015, can I... we just take a moment to just look back on 2014...
What did you think? Whatever you thought doesn't matter anymore. If you had a great year or the worst year ever, forget it. Let's all just pat ourselves on the back for actually making it through the year!
2015 is going to be the year that you make better than last year, if you had a rubbish 2014 then make 2015 better. If you had an awesome 2014 and you don't think that 2015 is gonna be any good, prove yourself wrong and make it even more fun and exciting :D Woah there, Helena motivation juices flowing today eh? 

For my New Years Resolutions here is what I came up with so far:
  • Start (and hopefully finish) a scrapbook
  • Workout at least once week for 30 minutes ~ going well so far ;)
  • Drink 500ml of water everyday ~ I'll try more
  • Read at least 12 books 
  • At least 4 blog post a month :D
  • Learn me some photography ~ includes me getting a DSLR 
  • Learn how to use iMovie better 
  • Make an effort with my appearance ~ I'm just so lazy 
  • Try to make thumbnails with my blog posts! ~ failing
If I come up with anymore which I do sometimes, I might add them to the list. I know it's the middle of January but I thought that I'd wait just in case I came up with more ideas!

Let me know, what your resolutions are! :)

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