19 Apr 2015

Woah, where have I been? | HelenaAsia

wow it feels strange to be blogging again... I feel so bad that I haven't blogged in nearly 2 months...and I was aware of it. 

so where was I the whole time!?

okay so for reals this is all it was, lack of time, way too much projects (homework),  piano practise 24/7 since I had an exam and d of e. 

i was relived to have gotten told that I passed my piano exam (grade 1 btw, you gotta start somewhere right?) 

i went to a gig... okay lies but it was fun nonetheless it was like a school gig thing called gig night, but two of my girls, emily and ella, performed and were absolute frickin amazing! 

i went on a super fun d of e walk with my crew and we sang and almost got lost but cannot wait for the real thing! (which we actually have to walk for 8 hours and then sleep in a tent and walk for another 6ish hours)

my birthday was great! It was well spent with my girls at my house eating a massive millies cookie and batting a balloon and making noises at 3am. 

also some good news for me is that I've managed to find some really good bargains for the camera I want! (Canon 600D) so I'm hoping to buy get it next week! I'll be taking some fineeee pictures! 

so for the most recent thing, I'M IN THAILAND! I've been in Thailand for 2 weeks as of my spring break and it's hot over here. like seriously hot and I even went to the beach but ended up getting sun burnt...for the first time ever! it hurts a lot. there was a lot of water fighting since it's the Thai new year but sadly I didn't join in that fun.

my inspiration for blogging is very slowing coming back to me so I will be trying to post some more stuff in no time :) 

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