19 Apr 2015

Woah, where have I been? | HelenaAsia

wow it feels strange to be blogging again... I feel so bad that I haven't blogged in nearly 2 months...and I was aware of it. 

so where was I the whole time!?

okay so for reals this is all it was, lack of time, way too much projects (homework),  piano practise 24/7 since I had an exam and d of e. 

i was relived to have gotten told that I passed my piano exam (grade 1 btw, you gotta start somewhere right?) 

i went to a gig... okay lies but it was fun nonetheless it was like a school gig thing called gig night, but two of my girls, emily and ella, performed and were absolute frickin amazing! 

i went on a super fun d of e walk with my crew and we sang and almost got lost but cannot wait for the real thing! (which we actually have to walk for 8 hours and then sleep in a tent and walk for another 6ish hours)

my birthday was great! It was well spent with my girls at my house eating a massive millies cookie and batting a balloon and making noises at 3am. 

also some good news for me is that I've managed to find some really good bargains for the camera I want! (Canon 600D) so I'm hoping to buy get it next week! I'll be taking some fineeee pictures! 

so for the most recent thing, I'M IN THAILAND! I've been in Thailand for 2 weeks as of my spring break and it's hot over here. like seriously hot and I even went to the beach but ended up getting sun burnt...for the first time ever! it hurts a lot. there was a lot of water fighting since it's the Thai new year but sadly I didn't join in that fun.

my inspiration for blogging is very slowing coming back to me so I will be trying to post some more stuff in no time :) 

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28 Feb 2015

Happy Birthday Alfie! | HelenaAsia

Today is Alfie's birthday and he's 2 years old! Ahh it doesn't feel like I got him 2 years ago, feels a lot longer! Since there's not too much to say, other than I frickin love this dog to bits and pieces, I still wanted to take some photos and just dedicate this post to my lovely pup <.3

and for those of you who noticed how I have been failing at my 4 posts a month...really badly... so so so sorry :/ 

As for my next post, I'll try to gather some inspiration! Ciao :D

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18 Feb 2015

Would You Rather | HelenaAsia

Hey! Whilst reading through some blogs, Ella did this blog post and  I thought it'd be a nice idea to do it too! On to the questions!

1. Messy hair and nice makeup or no makeup and nice hair?

I could go with either but I'll go with messy hair and nice makeup 

2. Shave your eyebrows or have all your eyelashes fall out?

As much as I would hate it, let my eyelashes fall out because falsies probably wouldn't look as bad as drawn on brows

3. Shop at only MAC or Sephora for the rest of your life?

Ahhh as much as I love MAC, I pick Sephora since I would have skincare, haircare, makeup and more! 

4. Leave the house with overdone blush or big foundation line?

Hmm, overdone blush?

5. Wear MC Hammer pants or cycle pants in public?

Cycle pants, I would just go cycling!

6. Bright orange spray tan or strange tan lines that can't be covered?

Tan lines for definite, bright orange? - no way!

7. Bad hair cut or bad hair colour?

Bad hair colour, bad hair cut would be harder to fix!

8. YouTube or Twitter taken away forever?

ooh wow I can't even choose! Nope not picking haha

9. Give up using makeup brushes or mascara?

...mascara... I think :/ not too sure

That's all the questions! Wow that little bit of me is annoyed that it's 9 questions and not 10 haha oh well.

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29 Jan 2015

Options?! GCSEs?! | HelenaAsia


Hey again! So just thought I'd blog about something... well, important (?) going on right now...

It's time for me to pick my options! I'm talking GCSEs options for year 10 (9th grade?) and I know some people will find this is a boring topic but in all honesty, I've found it quite exciting! Yanno thinking about what you subjects you want to take and what you want to do with your future.

As I write this my choices are Business, Media and Music and I think iMedia or Drama as a reserve and I'm waiting to go to my options evening, which actually might make me change my mind about something so you never know! 

My biggest risk is taking Music, and I mean I love music and I play the piano (barely) and singing is something I love to do so much! I honestly get so scared singing on my own but I decided that maybe taking GCSE Music is hopefully going to make me conquer my fear and I can obviously learn something out of it :) I don't want to go through the rest of my life thinking that I could've at least tried but didn't cause I was scared.  

If you think it's a stupid idea or cheesy then suit yourself but at least I won't regret not trying it or really considering it if I don't end up taking it but I know that I want to and I guess that's good enough for me. 

I'll try to update on Twitter so if any of y'all want to know what happened then you know where to look :D 

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16 Jan 2015

Oh Yes, New Year Resolutions

New year, new me... phahaha  I know what you're all thinking, that's totally gonna happen isn't it? You see what I realised is, if you think like that then there's not much chance it is. I want to actually try to get my 2015 sorted out and well...better. 

Now before I go on and on about 2015, can I... we just take a moment to just look back on 2014...
What did you think? Whatever you thought doesn't matter anymore. If you had a great year or the worst year ever, forget it. Let's all just pat ourselves on the back for actually making it through the year!
2015 is going to be the year that you make better than last year, if you had a rubbish 2014 then make 2015 better. If you had an awesome 2014 and you don't think that 2015 is gonna be any good, prove yourself wrong and make it even more fun and exciting :D Woah there, Helena motivation juices flowing today eh? 

For my New Years Resolutions here is what I came up with so far:
  • Start (and hopefully finish) a scrapbook
  • Workout at least once week for 30 minutes ~ going well so far ;)
  • Drink 500ml of water everyday ~ I'll try more
  • Read at least 12 books 
  • At least 4 blog post a month :D
  • Learn me some photography ~ includes me getting a DSLR 
  • Learn how to use iMovie better 
  • Make an effort with my appearance ~ I'm just so lazy 
  • Try to make thumbnails with my blog posts! ~ failing
If I come up with anymore which I do sometimes, I might add them to the list. I know it's the middle of January but I thought that I'd wait just in case I came up with more ideas!

Let me know, what your resolutions are! :)

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7 Jan 2015

What I Got For Christmas 2014 | HelenaAsia

Here it comes - the ever so famous famous post where I take you through my presents of 2014!

I'll take y'all through the other present and leave my main present till last :D and do I really have to do a disclaimer?

The first of many presents I got was this beautiful notebook, which has this peacock on the front - I didn't realise it was a peacock at first, I think I'm blind o_O - and it's just lined and has peacock feathered background on the opening and the back, so pretttyy. This is from TKMaxx if anyone was wondering :)

PJs and dressing gown ~ my gosh ~ I can't even explain how soft these are! Especially the dressing gown, which is from New Look (I didn't pick this out but I just saw the label) and the pyjamas are from Primark  - I got a similar pair last year but yanno how it is, you got to get new PJs at Christmas :D

A clothing item I did pick ~ Topshop Joni Jean, petite of course as I'm so short and tiny "^_^ I think I got these on Boxing Day too though they weren't in the sales. I don't think I can go back to normal jeans after these - they are so frickin comfy and fit really well!

Soap and Glory Eyeliner Set
It has 4 colours: black, brown, blue and green and they're all kohl. I was actually there when my mum was buying them so I kinda helped her pick them out ;) 

Me and my best loves did secret santa this year so my secret santa, Emily, got me Zoella's makeup bag and a gorgeous Ted Baker set which smells amazing *clap clap*

Dali got made me this awesome Tumblr pillow and got me the few little bit and bobs below! Love them all *more clapping*

Now for the one and only...

Yes, a MacBook Pro, I honestly couldn't have been anymore grateful than what I am ~ I love my parents so much and  I absolutely love everything that everyone got me ~ side note: those little polaroids are also from Dali :D   



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