20 Apr 2014

Happiness :) | HelenaAsia

Hellooooo loves, I wanted to do a post on happiness and I wanted to share some of the ways I feel happy or how to feel happy when I'm sad or upset! I also wanted to point out that these aren't in any particular order, it's just completely random! Hehe, enjoy! 
1. Surrounding Yourself With Positivity
I find that when I'm around friends who make me laugh and are being positive then it makes me happier and not all miserable. If you're around people that aren't making you happy or are just in a crappy mood and they don't want to talk to you then you should probably try to make then feel better with your positivity and if they are just being negative and don't want to try to feel better then go find someone who can enjoy your company. People that are optimistic about things whatever the problem always make me smile because it reminds me that if something really awful happens you can always have that one person that makes you feel like it's going to be okay, if there isn't one of those people then why don't YOU be the one to lighten up the day?
2. Getting Good Sleep
It's a fact then getting good and enough sleep will make you feel more awake and alert, which leads to possibly accomplishing more things during the day leading to happiness! If you want to know how to get a good nights sleep then head on over to my friend Dali's blog here! - SURPRISE SHOUTOUT haha ;)
3. Music ❤ 
Come on though, let's be real music always puts everyone in a good mood! Whether it be Rock or Classical or Pop put some of your favourite songs on and you'll instantly feel happier unless you're sad and you pick a sad song... Probably not the best way to make yourself feel better hehe :)
4. Pamper Yourself
There are times when you just need a pick me up and it's times like that when you really should just relax and give yourself a treat. You don't have to make it all fancy and what not, you could paint your nails and relax with a face mask on whilst they're drying. It's up to you what you do to give yourself a little treat, I don't typically like baths but maybe every once in a while I'll run a bath and put a cooling face mask on and put a tv show on. :D 
5. Accepting Your Flaws
This is something that a lot of people find really hard, and even though everyone says "Everyone has flaws, we just need to accept them." You still feel like you can't. Flaws and imperfections are there because no one is perfect and yes I know everyone says that but hey it's true. There are always going to be things about us we don't like and we can chose to point them out and be unhappy or we can chose to think about all the things that make us happy about ourselves. :)
6. Accomplishing Goals
Setting yourselves goals to complete is a great way to get motivated to do things but is also a great way for you to feel better and happy when you do complete them! Yes, maybe if you don't complete them you might feel down but the tip is to make sure to try as hard as you possibly can and if you have and it didn't work then you know that you couldn't have done a better job.
7.  Choosing To Be Happy
There's two way - that I can think of at the moment -  you could go about this. First one being positive, if you're in a grumpy mood for no reason (one of those days :/) or something like your hair didn't turned out the way you wanted it to be this morning and you're choosing to be annoyed and think about it all the time, just stop and think; tell yourself to just put yourself in the moment and be happy if it's something minor. Now there's forcing yourself to be happy over something that you shouldn't be, bullying could be one of those things... You should never force yourself to be happy when something serious and major is going on, yes you definitely need the happiness around you if it keeps you going, but there comes a point when you need to be able to be happy on your own and if something is stopping you then tell someone about it. 
Sorrrryyyyyyy for my blabbing and this SUPER long post but Happiness is something everyone needs and I guess this was probably quite a serious posts (possibly cringey or cheesy to some) I really hope I helped someone out there! Enjoy your happiness :D Leave a comment telling me what makes YOU happy!
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