6 Apr 2014

Lush Lip Scrub - Mint Julips Review | HelenaAsia

Lush, Lush, Lush! I always hear people talking about how much they love and adore this shop and to be honest, I know why...I don't really shop in Lush that often but when I do go in it smells magical!

Mint Julips Lip Scrub was something I got the first time I went into Lush and it was £5.50 ( I also got the Ickle Baby Bot and Creamy Candy Bubble Bar, which by the way were amazing!)

As you can see, it's made by Lukasz

So the lip scrub it's self is AMAZING! I love it so much! I always reach for this before I put any lipstick, lip gloss etc.. on my lips because it takes away all the horrible dried/dead skin on your lips and makes them look a lot nicer! The texture is sandy with more of a smooth feel which is incredible for exfoliating which is what it's meant for :)

To add to all the greatness of this lip scrub is the scent, I can't even tell you how delicious this smells! Delicious is definitely the right word too since it's edible, yum! :) It smells like mint chocolate and who doesn't love a bit of minty chocolate in their life! But if you don't then hakuna matata because it also comes in the flavours: Popcorn, Bubblegum and if you're lucky at Christmas times there's a Santa Coke flavoured one!

Have you got a Lush Lip Scrub? If you have tell me which one below

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