22 Jun 2014

It's a Little Haul :D | HelenaAsia

Hello lovies! A weeks been and gone and I have some little bits and bots that I got today and during the week so I thought lets do a haul! 

18 Jun 2014

Summer Bucket List! | HelenaAsia

Hey! Summer is here so what better than to do a summer bucket list right? I haven't actually ever done a summer bucket list so this is gonna be fun, I just know it! On with the list! 

15 Jun 2014

A Jumble In My Head | HelenaAsia

Heyyy everyone! So I wanted to just do a little life update post because sometimes you have so much on your plate and there's so much in your head and you just don't know what to do! I wanted to just release everything in this post a bit! I don't like to use the word "stressed" so let's stick with "jumble in my head"!

11 Jun 2014

Very Inspiring Blogger Award | HelenaAsia

Hey hey! I've been tagged to do the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! I love to be thought of as inspirational but really I don't really think I am haha! So thank you to the lovely DaliRae and Ella for tagging me :D

4 Jun 2014

May Favourtites | HelenaAsia

Photo Credit
Hello everybody! It's that time of the month again... no not that time of the month haha. It's MAY FAVOURITES! I actually haven't gotten a bunch this month so it's gonna be quite a short one but here are the things that I have been loving! 

1 Jun 2014

Picnic In The Park | HelenaAsia

Hello! Wow, sorry for the lack of posts recently, I don't know what to do! I feel like it's going to get worse because I have more exams and tests coming up in the next few weeks (trying hard to study and revise with a social life too)! I'm gonna hang in there though! Talking about a social life, me and my loves (what I call the people I love, the most amazing friends in the world in this case!) decided that we wanted to have a picnic ages ago but the weathers never been perfect for it. Today was the day that we finally had it and it was a very stressful process to actually get it but in our cooperative ways we all had a lovely time! Fooooood....;)