11 Jun 2014

Very Inspiring Blogger Award | HelenaAsia

Hey hey! I've been tagged to do the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! I love to be thought of as inspirational but really I don't really think I am haha! So thank you to the lovely DaliRae and Ella for tagging me :D
Rules Time!
  • Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you
  • List the rules and display the award
  • Share seven facts about yourself
  • Nominate around 15 other amazing bloggers and comment on one of their posts to let them know they've been nominated
  • Optional: Proudly display the the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger that nominated you

7 Facts About Meeeee:
  1. I really like the length of my hair and how long it is!
  2. I talk to myself :D
  3. I sometimes crave Tumblr 
  4. I am a MASSIVE hopeless romantic
  5. Most pick up lines will make me smile or laugh (either from cuteness or cause it's just so cheesy!
  6. I actually used to hate make up 
  7. I love dancing even though I don't dance haha 
Nominees :)
Okay so after reading the rules this was the bit I knew I was gonna struggle on, I haven't managed to nominate 15 blogs since I guess this tag has been going round for a while and a lot of blogs have done it, but I tried :) x
Raindrops and Rachels

Amy's Little World
Sorry everyone that I only managed 7, but there are so many wonderful blogs out there that I need to just delve into and just find :D Happy blogging bloggers! Hehe Love you all! <3 
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1 comment:

Comment? I'll try my best to reply :) Love you all x