27 Jul 2014

Ask Me About My Body | HelenaAsia

Hey! I saw one of my best friends, Ella, do this tag and it seems really interesting and different so I'd thought I'd do it and you could all learn a little bit more about me! 
Hair: What colour hair looks best on you and what's your natural colour?
My hair is naturally really dark brown and I don't know what colour would look best on me though..?

Skin: Do you tan easily?
Hell yeah, I don't really ever get sunburnt. 

Eyes: What is your favourite TV show to watch?
Well if you read my TV Show Love post then you'll know that my current favourite show is TEEN WOLF! Oh my... So good!

Nose: What is your favourite perfume/candle fragrance?
Perfume wise, I don't think I have a favourite and candle wise, I would say anything that's fruity and fresh from Yankee Candle is amazing!

Mouth: Do you want to kiss anyone right now?
Hmm... Yes, Dylan O'Brien would be great! (I am aware 9 years younger but come on!)

Tongue: What was in your last meal?
Macaroni Cheese, which I don't really like that much but I was hungry!

Windpipe: Do you sing?
Yeeessss! Absolutely love it! <3 

Neck: Do you wear necklaces?
Very rarely, but I do want to start getting more into jewellery!

Ears: How many piercings do you have (if any)?
I have just my ears pierced :)

Cheeks: Do you blush easily?
Kinda... If I'm really embarrassed, I don't blush often but when I do, it's obvious ^_^

Wrists: Have you ever broken a bone? 
Nope and hopefully won't ever :D *touches wood* 

Hands: Are you an artist/writer?
Naaa, I'm rubbish at art unless I am in SUPER concentrate mode and writing, well you can forget that, haha

Fingers: Do you play an instrument?
YES! I play the piano and I love it so much! 

Heart: Are you in love? If so, does the one you love know?
I wish I was <3 

Lungs: Do you smoke cigarettes?
HELL NAW!!! I don't and hopefully never will! 

Chest: Are your maternal/parental instincts strong?
I don't have kids so not now, but when I do I hope they are :D

Stomach: Do you feel confident in your body image?
Ahh it's a mix! I sometimes love my petite body and how slim I am but sometimes I do wish I was a bit taller and had a bit more of a bust! Only 13 though so I HAVE TIME!!!! Haha XD 

Back: Are you a virgin?
Yes, again only 13 hehe 

Hips: Do you like to dance?
I love to dance, I wish I could! I love street and some contemporary dance is amazing!

Thighs:  Has anyone ever called you fat or ugly?
I sure hope not... Someone probably has :/ 

Knees: Have you ever cheated on someone?
Gurrrl, I haven't even had a boyfriend before and even if I did, no and I would never! 

Ankles: Have you ever been arrested?
Feet: Favourite pair of shoes?
My white low tops converse! But I love ankle boots and need to get me some this autumn <3 

Brain: Ask me anything! Leave it in the comments! 

That tag was really fun for me to do! Byeeeee x

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