13 Aug 2014

Wanderlust // Travel Series | HelenaAsia

Wanderlust. Oh my favourite word. It actually is, I don't know why but I just love the way it sounds and the meaning. If you didn't know wanderlust means the desire to travel and that's definitely me!

First things first, I'm a realist, haha sorry I had but I know that everyone does that now :D I don't plan in going in any order so first place, on my never ending list of places I want to go to, is Japan. Japan is honestly so beautiful, the pictures* above of all the blossom and the purple flowers are just gorgeous. Fuji Park is the place with all the purple and with purple being my favourite colour, I just can't even cope. Other than how pretty it is, the architecture is just amazing and all the traditional Japanese gardens they incorporate are beautiful.
*Pictures aren't mine, none of the picture are mine and they can be found on Google Images, Pinterest, WeHeartIt etc...

Even though the next country is so close, I've never been! Did you guess France? If not then France is the one cause I just have to go there one day. I'd just love to see what there is there and obviously see the gorgeous Eiffel Tower! Speaking of Eiffel Tower, my friend Ceri is in France right now, ahhh :)

USA! USA! USA! Yes, 'Merica is next! I wouldn't mind a trip down to America, I really want to go shopping there since there are literally so many shops that they don't have here in the UK that I would go crazy over! I think California is probably wear I'd wanna go first :) Don't even mention the amount of American YouTubers over there that I'd want to meet!

G'Day mate! Australia is somewhere I haven't really thought about but I do really want to see the Great Barrier Reef before it disappears! I do know that if I were to go to Australia I think it's like 22 hours away and you have to stop off somewhere then get back on the plane! Other than the Great Barrier Reef, there are lots of animals that I'd love to see in Australia too!

Honestly when I think about it, I wouldn't mind what country I go to...Okay well nothing like Pripyat (an abandoned radioactive city in Ukraine) but really I just love the whole idea of going somewhere different and seeing lots of different things. Memories, is probably why I love it so much! Anyways there's so many more places that I didn't mention - China, Bora Bora, Italy, Canada, etc! I hope you all enjoyed this post about some of the places I'd love to travel to!

Let me know in the comments some places you'd like to visit! Ciao ;)

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  1. I literally want to go to all of these places too (plus Hong Kong and Dali!) WE SHOULD GO TRAVELLING TOGETHER like that is so realistic btw I nominated you for the Liebster Award here!

    1. Omg yaas!! And one can dream, only for dreams to come true gurl! LETS GO ONE DAY!!! And thank you! I will get onto that soon :) And other tags I need to do haha oops :P


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