3 Aug 2014

Travels Series | HelenaAsia

Hey Loves! Travelling, oh sweet travelling - it's a real love hate relationship, it's that time of summer where schools out and people/families are going on holiday! Now myself included, I'm going to Thailand soon, the 11th to be exact haha and this time is just so different, why? I have a blog. 

I love having a blog, sometimes it's stressful but really it gives me something to do. This holiday since I'll be with my family and they'll probably be times when I don't have the time to sit and blog, so I decided to come up with a little travel series! 

In the travel series I'll be talking, well blogging ;) about all things travel - I won't tell you what I plan to be talking about since I don't want to give it away but I'm excited to have something planned and organised for you guys to read! Also I think that there might be at least one blog post that isn't scheduled since I will have a computer a lot of the time on the trip (I'm staying at my aunties so she'll have a computer).

I really hope that you all enjoy this little intro to my travel series, I hope it's not boring and that you all enjoy :) 

PS: How do you like my new blog template? I know that the date is dodgy but I honestly have tried everything to fix it and it's just not working :( I will continue to try to find solve it but for now I do really love the new clean look of my blog! 

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