3 Sept 2014

August Faves - Randoms! | HelenaAsia

Woah summers gone fast and I'm actually so happy that it's finally Autumn! Sorry for being MIA with all the blogging recently but I just wanted a quick break and I'll be back to normal soon once school starts again urgh...

I'd thought I'd share with you some faves of mine this month! They're a bit random so bare with me! Also I didn't take any pictures but I hope that's alright :) 

The Body Shop Cranberry Shower Gel
I have been using this most of August and I just loved it as it was moving more into the Fall season even though it was a part of The Body Shops Christmas collection! It's just a good all round shower gel, just like the rest of their shower gels :)

I brought this whilst in Thailand and I fell in love with the scent and wore it most days. It now reminds me of my holiday! Love it and I have the body lotion and shower gel to make the scent stronger :D

My iPhone! - told you it was gonna be random
Okay, I know it's super weird to put your phone in a favourites but I seriously have been loving my phone! I vlogged for 62 days straight and wow it was hard but we managed it. I vlogged from 1st July to 31st August and I've decided to carry on but not everyday in the Fall x

Rio 2 
I watched this on the plane on the way back to England since I forgot what happened in Rio, but it was really cute and funny and I really enjoyed it. 

My Everything!
I couldn't not mention Ari's new album! If you haven't heard it go and listen because well it's just stunning then new music she's trying out! Some of my faves included: You Don't Know Me, Why Try, Only 1, Hands On Me and Just a Little Bit Of Your Heart! That's probably like half the songs already haha!

Thailand ^_^
Since I've been in Thailand for half of August and I've been with my family, it'd only seem right to put them in my faves :) Thailand is my second home and I love it to pieces and I had an amazing time there and enjoyed every bit of it with the ones I love ^_^ 

Those were my totally random faves of August and I'm sorry there weren't a load but I'll be back to normal soon!

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee x

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