7 Sept 2014

Liebster Award | HelenaAsia

I get nominated for things and I never seem to do them! I don't know how long ago Dali, DaliRae, and Pips, PrettyInPips, nominated me for this award but here I am finally doing! THANK YOU PIPS & DALI! Those blogs are perf!  

LETS START! Cue the boring rules!

1. Link back to the person that nominated you
2. Answer all the questions that you're given 
3. Choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers to nominate
4. Write 11 questions for them 
5. Let the nominees know

Question Answering Time!

Dali's Question!

1. Would you take the chance for all your dreams to come true if that meant that dreams at night also came true?
I absolutely love this question! I actually wouldn't risk it at all! I don't get really bad dreams, and when I do they aren't super bad but they're dreams and unless you lucid dream, they're unpredictable! 

2.  How many times have you looked in the mirror today?
I'd say about 3 or 4 times, I've mostly just been in my room and there's no mirror so not a lot* :)
*Depends on whether you think 3/4 is lot 

3. Are you clumsy?
I'd like to think I'm not but, I'm not 100% sure... I'll ask some of my friends :)
Tally: What, no I don't get it? aha xx
Ella: Yes. Very.
Ella now turns bipolar
Ella: What do you mean?? Of course you're not clumsy, what are you on about
Anna: Not really, why?
Hermione: No not really I've never seen you fall over or drop something or even trip.


4. What was the last thing you were proud of?
Well I was in town yesterday and I was in Boots aka DANGER ZONE FOR PURSES & WALLETS, I picked a few things up (actually going to buy them) but nope I slowly put them all down and walked away. Yes I was so proud of myself. 

5. If you couldn't speak for a whole week, what would you do?
I would be Cat from Victorious and try to get a type to talk headband that spoke for me, duh :)

6. Who was your first friend and are you still in touch?
I kinda have two when I think about it. Emily is one and Robert is the other. Emily is still my best friend to this day and if you want to check out her IG it's here (it's here themed one) and Robert, I don't talk to anymore because he moved to a different secondary school but he was my best guy friend! 

7. The last song you listened to?
I think it might of been Best Mistake by Ariana Grande (ft. Big Sean) and I am obsessed! 

8. When was the last time you were so happy you wanted to cry?
It was probably something to do with seeing my friends and getting to see them since I came back from my holiday :D 

9. Where have you always wanted to go, ever since a child?
I actually don't know! Despite Disney being "the happiest place on Earth" I've never really thought about Disney! But it would be a good option!

10. Have you ever mistaken someone for someone else?
Oh wow yes! The typical one where you go to another woman thinking she's your mum and one time I actually managed to stop myself from saying something because I realised it wasn't the person I was looking for! 

11. Did you notice how I made an effort to start every single question with a different word?
No, Dali I didn't but that is totally something you would do! 

Pip's Questions

1. What is your favourite quote that inspires you?
One that I found recently: "I'm too busy working on my own grass to notice if yours is greener"
But I really always go back to loving typical "Do what makes YOU happy" 

2. Do you have any pets?
Oh yessss! I have Alfie, who you can get to know here and my Furry Friends Tag has gone dodgy due to my change of template so I'll do another one soon! and I have 2 turtles! 

3. If you won a million pounds, what would you do with the money?
I would make sure that my mum has her house built in Thailand then I would spend a bit and then buy my mum more stuff and donate to loads of different charities. After that go on holiday with friends taking their parents too! :D 

4. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
I think about this question a lot and I always change my answer...
Super Healing abilities would be a nice one :D

5. What is your favourite TV show?
Okay everyone who follows me on Twitter will know my love for TEEN WOLF like it's in caps, bold and underlined that's how amazing it is.

6. What is your dream job?
YouTuber/Blogger defo! I just don't know how that's going to work out when studying for GSCEs...

7. If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be?
I would be either Ariana Grande, Iggy Azeala or if Dylan O'Brien ever decided to get a girlfriend I would be her!  

8. How long have you spent on your phone today?
I don't know... I got on my phone every... hour? what she really means is every 5 minutes. *Eye roll*

9. What is your favourite item of clothing you own?
I have these black trousers with leather patches that I wear all the time that I love and I just brought a fine knitted black jumper that has crochet at the bottom and it's beautiful!

10. If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be? 
I would go back and meet my grandparents probably :) Could be different if I knew what future events were out there! 

11. What is the best gift you've ever received?
Hmmm I've never thought about that! Let's make a pun, how about the presents of family and friends on Christmas/Birthdays?!? Haha get it? Presence... okay

11 Bloggers - Okay I will try to get at least 6!

Asia - AsiaJade
Loren - LoveFromLoren
Charlotte - FleurBelle
Okay I couldn't even do 6! 

My 11 Questions!

1. What habit are you most proud of breaking?
2. Do you ever have wild, fun fantasies? (About anything)
3. Do you have a secret social media account?
4. Craziest thing you've ever done?
5. If you were given a day off from all your everyday responsibilities, how would you spend it?
6. What is something you just can't help but spend money on?
7. Weirdest thing you've ever done in school?
8. Ever brought something expensive that now you regret? If so, what was it?
9. Do you ask enough questions or settle for what you know?
10. What do you think the difference between living and existing is? 
11. If you had the opportunity to get a message across to a large group of people, what would the message be?

There you go!
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  1. haha, very good answers :) Glad you did itt xxxx

  2. Thank you for the nomination however I’ve already been nominated :)
    Asia xx


Comment? I'll try my best to reply :) Love you all x