25 May 2014

Self Confidence/Self Esteem :)

Hellooooooo everyone! I've been having a few thoughts on self confidence and how a lot of people see themselves nowadays. I just wanted to have like a little chatty post and just talk about confidence and your own self esteem! Also decided to throw in some little quote pictures :D 
I think that nowadays people always have to fish for compliments or say something bad about themselves so they don't sound vain, but really I think it's just so stupid! I know there will be days when we aren't looking our best and we don't think we look good but what's the point in putting your self down for it? I wonder if anyone else ever looks in the mirror and gives yourself a compliment? Like oooh, my hair looks good today or I like my outfit and how nicely it fits! You don't need to think it's vain or that you're being really obnoxious because that's just something our society has wired us to think. 
Another thing that I've noticed that people do is putting yourself down after a compliment! If someone says how beautiful you look or how they like your style, then that's great! Say thank you and maybe compliment them back (being honest here) but just don't say something negative back, like how you actually hate your style or that you're actually not pretty at all, because honestly it ticks me off, haha I've never used that in a sentence before wooo new word for me "ticks". Don't forget confidence is attractive - not overly confident though haha!

I could go on and on but I don't know how long this post would be then! 

My point is have a little confidence in yourself! Think smart. Think pretty/handsome. Think CONFIDENT. 


  1. HEEEEEEEEY GURL. I nominated you for the very inspiring blogger award so yeah hi . http://dalirae.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/very-inspiring-blogger-award.html

  2. Heyy! I nominated you for the very inspiring Blogger Award so here you go! > http://littlemiss-e.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/very-inspiring-blogger-award.html


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