27 Dec 2014

A Very Merry Christmas | HelenaAsia


 I know it's late but better late than never right? I hope that everyone had a really, well, merry christmas :) I hope to do another post on what I actually got for christmas but I actually need to find some time to take some pictures of everything. 

I know I haven't been blogging much but I don't know what's up with me - urgh enough of me and my blogging situation but I will continue trying don't worry! 

Soooo what did I do for christmas? 

Honestly I think I got up at 10? Then I stayed in bed for another 2 hours to watch Searching For Santa Paws and it was really cute :) I did open my presents after this and was obviously really happy with everything and gave my mum a massive hug! We had Christmas Dinner after, yummmmmy as always!!! I had a chill evening with my present (telling you in my other post what it was) and that was it... (also forgot to mention I skyped one of my best friends, Kinza!)

Hope everyone one of you had a lovely christmas x 

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7 Dec 2014

GIF Quest! HelenaAsia

Hey fellow readers! I'm feeling so bad right now, the cold has finally won it's battle in making me ill :(
I'd thought I'd do this tag that Dali tagged me in a while back because it was funny and it made me laugh! 

  • Include Lily's tag image above ^
  • Tag two or more people when you're finished
  • Try not to use gifs that other people have already used. If you do, it's still okay!
  • Come up with your OWN, UNIQUE 10 scenarios

1. When your teacher shouts at the whole class

2.  When you find out there's no food in the house

3. When somebody asks for some of your food

4. When you walk outside and it starts raining 

5. When you find something you lost 

6. When you can't open the lock of a public toilet 

7. When your music is too loud 

8. When you see a spider

9. When you wake up late 

10. When you try to flirt


1. When you drop your food
2. When someone tells you a book/movie spoiler
3. When it's that time of the month
4. When you see snow for the first time in ages
5. When bae doesn't reply 
6. When you realise you have homework due the next day
7. When you get concert tickets 
8. When you don't know what someone's said after numerous times
9. When you missed calls from your mum 
10. When you get a present you don't like 

There you go :) hope you all enjoyed this tag and I tag everyone and anyone to do it! 

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18 Nov 2014

We're talking BOOKS baby | HelenaAsia

Have I ever spoken about my love for books? Because I don't think I have and I could probably go on for hours... I won't though, but really there are too many books out there and not enough time in the world me to read them :( 

I thought I'd share with you the books that have been sat here unread and my thoughts at the moment...
and please no spoilers, I can't deal with them, they make me physically want to bang my head against a wall for 10 hours yelling "WHYYY WHYYY MEEEE"

The Maze Runner - movies out, but books gotta come first. Now if you didn't know Dylan O'Brien is my love and he's the lead of the movie and I honestly can't wait to watch it but I've heard people, including my favourite booktuber, PolandBananasBOOKS, say they don't like this book. I think she said that anyway... I could be wrong. I will have to read it and find out for myself, my own opinion after all. Okay so since this was in my draft for a while, I will add that I have read the book and I frickin loved it! Also I couldn't bare the though of not watching the movie so I went to the cinema...alone to go see it - yes it was really frickin a-MAZE-ing!  

The City Of Ashes - so late to this game, The Mortal Instruments, wow I loved the first book and I also plan to read The Internal Devices (prequel) I am currently reading this book but I am slightly wondering whether I should read Gone Girl first?

Gone Girl - again, there's a movie and I had to read the book! Can I just tell you how excited the blurb of this book gets me! If you don't know what it's about then get googling and you might just want to read it!

Looking For Alaska - I've had this book for a while now and I think I might use it as a filler book for when I'm feeling like I need a little break from The Mortal Instruments series! I have seen this book around sooo much and heard so many good things about it! Fun!

Those are my unread books so far and I can't wait to read them, let me know if you want me to blog about them or maybe keep y'all up to date on Twitter :D

Also let me know if any of you have any recommendation for books...
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30 Oct 2014

Diaries & Writing | HelenaAsia

Woah! Hey there! It feels so nice to be blogging again since I know I haven't for 2 weeks :( Sorry about that but school has been a complete pain and I couldn't keep my blogging on top so I decided to take a break :/ 

Buuuut, I am so happy to be writing again and that's what I wanted to blog about today :) I always loved having a diary and I've had 3 so far: 2012, 2013 and this years and honestly I think that over the years it's been really nice to every once in a while go back to look at what you've done in the previous year/s.  For me, writing in a diary has helped whenever you need to get something out, whether it be anger or maybe something super amazing happened and it's a really personal way of documenting it :) 

I actually went back and read my diary from 2012 and I didn't realise how much juicy stuff that thing has in it! I never managed to finished my 2013 diary and stopped in August for some reason and this year I stopped for 6 months! I have gone back to writing in my diary as often as I can and I really want to stick to it - kinda like my blogging haha. I challenge any of you to try to keep a diary and make it anyway you like! I don't write everyday and I tend to keep and stick in cinema tickets, train ticket, little shenanigans that could give that day a little more life, weird but I kinda like it.

Sooooo after all that, I do hope to be writing more on here, this blog that I love and miss! Look forward to some more posts coming very soon I promise since after all it is the half term :)

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3 Oct 2014

Skincare? Body Shop? Wishlist Time!| HelenaAsia

I know what you're all thinking... is this sponsored or something but no haha, I remember back about a year and a half ago, me and my girlies loved going to The Body Shop and Lush and we'd buy stuff from there for Christmas and Birthdays! Since then the love has slowly faded but recently I've really want to delve into skincare and first I looked at Simple but then I realised The Body Shop have a good range right? So I went and used the Skincare Diagnostic Tool... 

Let me just tell you, I think you should try it and see what products you've been recommended for your skin because I'm gonna say I want to buy all of the products I got recommended! It is out of the The Body Shops skincare range not other companies, in case you didn't catch that haha! 

How it would go!
1. Vitamin E Cream Cleanser
First I'd go in with the cleanser and remove all the dirt and any makeup off my face and they recommended the Vitamin E cleanser because I think that this is for all skin types :)

2. Seaweed Clarifying Toner
The seaweed range is for combo skin and I definitely would say that I get so oily around my nose >.<  and the whole seaweed range is to help control oil and mattify your skin a bit.

3. Seaweed Day Cream
This day cream seems right up my street and this will probably be my first purchase from the wishlist! It says "Moisturises dry areas, balance excess sebum and gives a matt, shine free completion :)

4. Tea Tree Night Lotion
For those that didn't know, tea tree is amazing for your skin and since sometime we can all get the odd spot here and there, The Body Shop recommended this night lotion as something to help deal with that! It works overnight hopefully leaving you with better looking skin in the morning.

There are a few little extras that they pop in...

These little extras are going that little step extra in your skincare routine and maybe aren't that essential ^_^

I know this post is a bit different... hmm I don't know but I hope this may have helped if you are wanting to get into skincare and were a bit stuck! I know The Body Shop isn't the cheapest but it does have a wide variety that would help everyone's skin <3 nbsp="" p="">
Love you all <3 nbsp="" p="">
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25 Sept 2014

Things Aren't Always What They Seem | HelenaAsia

Confessions time! I thought I'd share with you something that, well just occurred to me about blog 
that has surprised me...

Starting this blog back in April I thought that I would be more a beauty blogger, and even though I did include lifestyle in the slogan(?) of my blog, I didn't actually know if I would be blogging about lifestyle stuff that much. As it turns out I blog about my life and what I like in my life than I do beauty. 

This is something I realised and I thought that I wanted to share it with you all because it kinda shows that sometimes things don't always turn out how you thought they were going to. I am completely okay with the fact that I'm more of a blabber on my blog because I feel like it's me. It's my genuine content to post what I'm thinking about and what's going on. 

I am obviously still going to be posting beauty stuff, it's just so happens that's going to be when I feel inspired and I don't wanna force content out of me that I'm not happy with. I don't want to turn this into a rant or anything because it isn't meant to be, I just wanted to mention it in a blog post.

I am really starting to feel like I love what I post and I want to put more effort in and make every post count and really start to add more personality and style into how I write and design my pictures and what not.

I really want my blog to represent me and what I love and I don't think I was really doing that before, I hope to really improve my blog and I hope y'all look forward to seeing this happen :)

Love Always, Helena x 

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20 Sept 2014

Autumn Lovin' | HelenaAsia


Autumn, as us Brits call it is finally among us! Wow that's the first time using that word among...

I have been waiting for autumn for so long! I have to been completely honest in saying that I do actually kinda miss this summer and I feel like it went a bit too fast :( 

That being said, I LOVE the autumn! It's always been my favourite season :) There's something so wonderful about this season to me... the slight warmth with a breeze, sweaters and knee high socks, the deep wine red and burgundy and the darkness coming at earlier hours...

I could honestly sit and think about it all day, the way the leaves fall off the trees, the nature of it to me is beautiful considering that everything is pretty much dying at this point... As Dali also pointed out in her blog post about autumn :)

This year I am gonna make it a really cool autumn and there are a few little fashion items that would complete my go to autumn look :D You could possibly see some sort of blog post on that too? I think that's also one of the reasons I adore autumn, the clothing is to die for - just like the nature haha...

Can't wait to see if it snows though this winter, I do like the winter but I just feel like here in England it gets a bit too cold for my liking and the constant raining making my school shoes soaked is the most horrid feeling ever.

Autumn Always < 3 hehe 

Let me know what your favourite season is? I'd love to know... 

Ciao x  

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11 Sept 2014

Stars, MAC, Year 9 and more! | HelenaAsia

I decided that I wanted to go bit freestyle with this blog post just do a short and simple post...

I have been having some blogger block but I guess not too much, sometimes I have ideas but it's finding the time to actually get them in a post and taking the pictures and editing them and what not.

7 Sept 2014

Liebster Award | HelenaAsia

I get nominated for things and I never seem to do them! I don't know how long ago Dali, DaliRae, and Pips, PrettyInPips, nominated me for this award but here I am finally doing! THANK YOU PIPS & DALI! Those blogs are perf!  

3 Sept 2014

August Faves - Randoms! | HelenaAsia

Woah summers gone fast and I'm actually so happy that it's finally Autumn! Sorry for being MIA with all the blogging recently but I just wanted a quick break and I'll be back to normal soon once school starts again urgh...

21 Aug 2014

Thailand So Far // Travel Series | HelenaAsia

Alright loves, let's get started! I've been in Thailand for a week now and the weather has been super hot for this time of month, since it's supposed to be raining and well kinda chilly. Anyways I haven't done much but I'd thought I'd share with you some of the things I did do!


17 Aug 2014

Just A Dip Of Purple | HelenaAsia

Hey hey!

I know this isn't a part of my travel series but I'm still deciding some things on that so bare with me :) 

I really felt the need to just blog from within! Since I'm on holiday I have some time to chill...which I use to blog ;) I wanted to just blog about something that I have just been really loving ALOT!! 

You gonna guess it?!



I dunno if I'm getting but there is a very big chance I am :D All I know is that I plan on getting it done and I am so EXCITED!!!

I actually wanted a "new look" for school... and naturally my brain, or more so my HEART, gravitated towards purple hair dye...I don't even know if my school would allow this haha. Pinterest has just been feeding my love with pictures of pretty hair with pretty colours all ending up on my "hair board" ! 

I know I know this isn't the usual post but just wanted to keep it real and fresssshh!! Love y'all <3 comment-3--="">

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13 Aug 2014

Wanderlust // Travel Series | HelenaAsia

Wanderlust. Oh my favourite word. It actually is, I don't know why but I just love the way it sounds and the meaning. If you didn't know wanderlust means the desire to travel and that's definitely me!

10 Aug 2014

Packing Problems // Travel Series | HelenaAsia

Back with some little and big packing problems that some of us probably face when packing to go away! Second in the travels series, hope you enjoy!

6 Aug 2014

Places I've Been // Travel Series | HelenaAsia

Hey guys! First part of my little travel series, places I've been! I can and will point out I have not been to many places in the world at all but it's not gonna stop me from doing a post on it :D I will just have a little chat 'bout each country and what I did and so on, enjoy ^_^

3 Aug 2014

Travels Series | HelenaAsia

Hey Loves! Travelling, oh sweet travelling - it's a real love hate relationship, it's that time of summer where schools out and people/families are going on holiday! Now myself included, I'm going to Thailand soon, the 11th to be exact haha and this time is just so different, why? I have a blog. 

30 Jul 2014

July Favourites | HelenaAsia

Wow, did July go fast or was it just me? So excited for the holidays and everything I'm hopefully going to be doing in it! Really excited for next months favourites as I think I might have a few more exciting bits and pieces to talk about :D 

27 Jul 2014

Ask Me About My Body | HelenaAsia

Hey! I saw one of my best friends, Ella, do this tag and it seems really interesting and different so I'd thought I'd do it and you could all learn a little bit more about me! 

16 Jul 2014

Perfume Wishlist | HelenaAsia

Perfumes and fragrances! Ahh lovely scents <3 We all love to smell nice and along with that I have made a list of all the perfumes I really want to buy and just hmm smell! 

13 Jul 2014

TV Show Loooove | HelenaAsia

TV Shows. Wow can they be addictive! Seriously though, the amount of TV shows I have got hooked on is just insane, like why?! I thought I'd talk you through some of the TV shows that I watch and what I think of them - not in an order here but I do have a fave... I think ;)

9 Jul 2014

Dune Bag! | HelenaAsia

Well well... Okay I know, I know I missed Sunday - I am incredibly sorry but I thought that I'd share my new bag with you! I've gotten 3 new bags this year already, which for some isn't a lot at all but for me it definitely is!

22 Jun 2014

It's a Little Haul :D | HelenaAsia

Hello lovies! A weeks been and gone and I have some little bits and bots that I got today and during the week so I thought lets do a haul! 

18 Jun 2014

Summer Bucket List! | HelenaAsia

Hey! Summer is here so what better than to do a summer bucket list right? I haven't actually ever done a summer bucket list so this is gonna be fun, I just know it! On with the list! 

15 Jun 2014

A Jumble In My Head | HelenaAsia

Heyyy everyone! So I wanted to just do a little life update post because sometimes you have so much on your plate and there's so much in your head and you just don't know what to do! I wanted to just release everything in this post a bit! I don't like to use the word "stressed" so let's stick with "jumble in my head"!

11 Jun 2014

Very Inspiring Blogger Award | HelenaAsia

Hey hey! I've been tagged to do the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! I love to be thought of as inspirational but really I don't really think I am haha! So thank you to the lovely DaliRae and Ella for tagging me :D

4 Jun 2014

May Favourtites | HelenaAsia

Photo Credit
Hello everybody! It's that time of the month again... no not that time of the month haha. It's MAY FAVOURITES! I actually haven't gotten a bunch this month so it's gonna be quite a short one but here are the things that I have been loving! 

1 Jun 2014

Picnic In The Park | HelenaAsia

Hello! Wow, sorry for the lack of posts recently, I don't know what to do! I feel like it's going to get worse because I have more exams and tests coming up in the next few weeks (trying hard to study and revise with a social life too)! I'm gonna hang in there though! Talking about a social life, me and my loves (what I call the people I love, the most amazing friends in the world in this case!) decided that we wanted to have a picnic ages ago but the weathers never been perfect for it. Today was the day that we finally had it and it was a very stressful process to actually get it but in our cooperative ways we all had a lovely time! Fooooood....;)

25 May 2014

Self Confidence/Self Esteem :)

Hellooooooo everyone! I've been having a few thoughts on self confidence and how a lot of people see themselves nowadays. I just wanted to have like a little chatty post and just talk about confidence and your own self esteem! Also decided to throw in some little quote pictures :D 

22 May 2014

50 Random Questions Tag! | HelenaAsia

Hey everyone! Sorry about a Thursday post instead but oh well :) I wanted to do this quick and fun tag because it looked awesome and well I liked it! I got the questions from Meghan Rosette's Blog so here are the answers - enjoy!

18 May 2014

OOTD + Sunday Funday! | HelenaAsia

Hello loves! Today, I did a few things while this summer weather is starting to come out of hiding in England! I also thought I'd share a quick OOTD too, let's goooooooo!

14 May 2014

10 Facts That You Didn't Need To Know | HelenaAsia

Hello loves! Sorry for not posting on Sunday but I wasn't feeling all that inspired and wasn't really up for the forced content :( On a lighter note, I decided to keep it quick and light for today's post and I will just telling you some good old facts that you probably never really needed to know! Also an app that I've been enjoying this month is UberFacts (going with the facts theme) but yeah, it's just really interesting! 

7 May 2014

My New iPhone Cases Came! | HelenaAsia

Hello lovelies! I got back from school today with the strong hope that my new phone cases would have arrived and thankfully they did! No more naked iPhone :D

4 May 2014

Furry Friends Tag! | HelenaAsia

Hello loves, so today I wanted to introduce you to my best friend and enemy in the world and that is Alfie, my dog hehe! I have decided to do the Furry Friends Tag which I found from BumpsAlongTheWay's YouTube channel, now called Missy Lanning, they're such an awesome family and you should definitely go check them out! Continue to find out more bout this cutie ^_^

1.  What's your pet's name?
Sir Alfie Sunnyking Smith (I decided that he should be knighted because he's special) 

2. What kind of pet is it? and What's its breed?
Alfie is an English Bulldog, see what I did there,dog haha okay
3. How did you get your pet?
I got Alfie from a breeder here in England and we got him at 10 weeks old :) here's one the first pictures we took of him at home^^^^^

4. How old is your pet?
Alfie is now 1 year, 9 weeks and 2 days old :) 
5. What are some quirky things about your pet's personality?
Alfie is a naughty but loving dog. If he knows you're in the living room, he's in the living room and if you're in the kitchen, he's in the kitchen, he just likes being around people and he can cope well on his own but prefers company. If we don't let him in somewhere he just tries to push the door with his paws! Something I didn't know that some dogs did was lie down like the picture above, I know that all bulldogs do that but I think some other dogs do that too but when I saw it for the first time, I thought it was extremely adorable.
6.What does your relationship with this pet mean to you?
THE UNIVERSE! The first time we took him to the park was his first time in the car and when he got out, he was sick and I started crying because I felt really bad! I see him everyday so when I go on holiday and come home and he's not there it just makes me sooooo sad, until I get him back obviously :)   
7. What are some of your favourite past(pass?) times (memories) with your pet?
Probably one of my favourites was the first time he went to the park because even though he was sick and I cried, it did get better and by the end of it he was too tired to walk back to the car and I had to carry him! That day was just so memorable and I love it so much! 


8. What are some nicknames you call your pet?
Alfred, I call him that a lot more than I actually think! "Boy" and "Baby" are somethings I call him embarrassingly enough haha! 

9. What is your furry friends favourite thing?
Well mainly feet (mine, when I have shoes/slippers on) and he will basically chew anything that is on the ground that is chewable, possibly even if it's not chewable. His soft fluffy bed gets put away during the day time because he's wreck like 3 beds in the past and we know not to give them him until the evening when he's calm! Bless him!  

Yay so now you've all officially met my furry friend! Hope you <3 Alfie as much as I do, he's just perf hehe :) I tag everyone who has a pet to do this! Pfff who says it has to be furry! Leave a link to YOUR version of the tag below! Byeeee :P
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30 Apr 2014

April Favourites | HelenaAsia

Hello loves, it's now come to the end of April - like how fast was that?!? - We're already nearly half way through the year! I thought it would be a good idea to show you some of my April Favourites! 
Beginning with...

27 Apr 2014

Magazines | HelenaAsia

Helloo loves, so I wanted to do a quick and simple post on magazines, which one do you read or do you even read magazines? So lately as I made the decision to start a blog I also thought about wanting to read magazines more. I just thought it would fun to read about something I was interested in like fashion and beauty and it's also where I got some inspiration to start my blog. 

23 Apr 2014

Soap & Glory Hand Food Review! | HelenaAsia

Heeeeelllllloooo lovelies, today I wanted to review the Soap & Glory Hand Food because I've had it for while and it's amazing! I do have the bigger size at 125ml instead of the 50ml but I've decided I want to get the smaller one too, for travel purposes! :D Onto the actual review haha!